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Money, I'm Home

May 26, 2019

Listen in this week as Consumers’ own, Chief Operating Officer Scott Sylvester, fills us in on an exciting community event – The Dirty Donut Bike Race. Learn how you can get involved, whether you’re riding your bike, volunteering or eating...

May 19, 2019

Gary Ferguson, vice president of business services, joins "Money, I'm Home!" to discuss your business's journey to financial stability. From loan applications to a growth mindset, you'll find your answers in today's episode of "Money, I'm Home!"

May 12, 2019

Consumers own, Kristen Davidson, talks about her own personal journey with nutrition. What seemed like and overwhelming feat, changing the way her family and her eat, has truly changed all of their lives.

May 5, 2019

Scott Dobson joins us once again to discuss everything related to your credit score. Find out what it takes to make or break your score in this week's episode of "Money, I'm Home!"